A Copy of a Copy of an Original Copy is a video installation, that questions the relation between the context of original and copy.
The work gives a foretaste of what is happening within the still and moving image, but not a definite answer, the boundaries are blurred, the illusory of the reality becomes possible and vice versa. The location on a photo and in video, the long corridor, has important role, as it amplifies the optical and camera-centered point of view. We see space in three layers : on a wall-mounted photo , in a video where the same photo is held in the hands, and finally in the video environment.
We are used to when person moves away, then the sound does the same, but within this work the sound goes along with the viewer and the volume stays the same. The sound becomes separate information layer, describing the features inside the space.
Exhibited at Katarsis project space during From the window all that could be seen was a receding gray (07.-13.01.13).